Dear families, Now is the time to apply for preschool for the 2025-26 school year!
The Charlottesville City Schools Preschool helps children become kindergarten-ready through play and activities, and it is free and available to qualifying 3- and 4-year-olds. Preschool is five days a week, 7:45am-2:30pm, in our neighborhood elementary schools. Bus transportation is available.
Families who live in Charlottesville City and have a child who will be three or four by September 30 may be eligible to enroll. The priority deadline to apply for preschool for the 2025-26 school year is Friday, March 28, right before Spring Break!
How to apply: Visit the go2grow website and click on the "Apply" button to apply for free preschool at Charlottesville City Schools. For questions or help applying, reach out to me at or (434) 531-5920 (call or text).
Information about registering children for kindergarten/other grades will be released in the spring.
Sheila Sparks
Coordinator for Preschool and Family Support
Charlottesville City Schools